Good morning and Happy Super Bowl Sunday.  We’re doing our usual Super Bowl Sunday tradition and going to an old family friends ranch to watch the game,,,,and especially the commercials.  I’m excited too because I got my boat fix by checking on Tulum IV (still for sale) and doing some errands to spruce her up a bit.  Here’s another great Meet and Greet hosted by the OpinionatedMan Website.  If you’ve never checked out his website,,,,it’s unique.  He takes his craft  seriously, doesn’t hold back and make sure you know his opinion, but he’s got 55,000 followers and hosts these Meet and Greets every month for smaller bloggers, like me.  Check out his site if you have time-

Feel free to reblog or press this great list of up & coming bloggers.

From Opinionated Man:

Well this is the third post I have done like this so far and I have seen some great connections. I’ll keep doing these off and on and I think they provide a great way for “active blogge…

Source: WordPress Meet and Greet – All Bloggers Welcome

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